October 2022 Newsletter
Sunday, October 16th 2022
Yesterday, Father Alexander made the announcement that on Monday, December 19th on the feast day of St. Nicholas, the newly enthroned Metropolitan Nicholas will be serving liturgy. More details are to follow, but much work needs to be done. We are in the process of building repairs (see below) Father asked that as many people as possible be present to celebrate the great Blessing of the Metropolitan’s visit. Donations in preparation for this event can be make either to the sisterhood or the church council (see below). The sisterhood appreciates any physical or financial support possible as many of our members wear many hats and are quite busy singing during the service. Please join us for this exciting event!
Church Renovations
The new church calendar year in September began with a brand new roof! For all of you who have donated towards the building fund, many thanks for your help. Our building is quite old and certain things are in crucial need to be repaired. In conjunction with the roof, the gutters will be updated which will hopefully help some of the draining issues that have been a recent problem with the heavy rains.
Basement renovations
With most pandemic problems hopefully behind us, the sisterhood has still not been able to resume a regular luncheon schedule due to repairs that need to be completed in the basement.
As in any older building, maintenance is a must and right now it looks as if parts of the floor need to be replaced . We are currently seeking contractors for this job. We hope to have some of these repairs completed this fall - please stay tuned.
The sisterhood of St. Nicholas would love to have some new members. We have been hosting some pop up outdoor lunches while the weather is cooperative. Money from these lunches goes towards church repairs, new vestments, decorations for feast days, gifts for children, charity, and a
financial support for our choir. If you are interested in helping with lunches, please e mail/text/call either Valentina Shatalova (vshatalova@earthlink.net) (845-303-4465) or Liza Belikov (lizabelikov@hotmail.com) (845-633-4729)
Valentina Shatalova, the choir director at St. Nicholas Church is extending an invitation for new members in the choir. Yes, this is a very big commitment, but an extremely important one! The requirements are only a desire to learn, attending rehearsals when they occur and attending at least two evening services and liturgies per month. (The evening services are rich with the unique chants found in the Pillar of Tones). Orthodox Choir music is an integral part of the service and this is a wonderful way to learn and understand the cycle of services throughout the year. Please contact Valentina if you are interested in joining. (see contact information above)
Please consider becoming a member of our church community! Membership dues help the church keep a financial base for building operations. We are truly grateful for any donations to the basket, but as everyone has notices, the cost of fuel and electricity has grown exponentially. Having a solid membership helps with these costs. Please approach our Church Warden or our Treasurer who are available after most services.
Donations are gratefully accepted towards the building fund. This is a separate account for the specific use of St. Nicholas church repairs.
Likewise, donations can be made towards the greeting of Metropolitan Nicholas.
All donations are tax deductible.